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Fitz Part 2 Club Amateur USA

Fitz Part 2 Club Amateur USA

With a puddle of precum in the middle of the CAUSA massage table, therein lies the rub. And somewhere in the middle of that puddle of precum lay the truth behind authentic sexuality. Well, at least in this case, Fitz's authenticity. Fitz's stunning hazel eyes are the windows to my soul. When he looks at you, you feel as though Fitz is peering into your heart. At the same time, it's both disconcerting and enveloping. Within part one of Fitz's video, I pushed his sexual boundaries in terms of direct prostate stimulation, and as previously above mentioned, he leaked like a sieve. I'll talk more about another of Fitz's erogenous zones that nearly brought him to climax prematurely once part two runs next week. For now, enjoy part one of Fitz's Club Amateur USA debut! Part 2 - Firstly, thinking back over the 245 individual guys whom I've captured on video for Club Amateur USA, I could not recall any of them whose ear/neck area was such an erogenous zone as to almost cause ejaculation. With Fitz, we have our first. Secondly, I often refer to dancing toes/feet, but this is also the first time for me to refer to a guy's feet as windshield wipers. You'll soon see for yourselves. Original release date: April 14th, 2016.
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