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Santino ChaosMen

Santino ChaosMen

Santino has some low hangers! Fans of big swinging balls rejoice! He is 23, but most think he is 19. Santino is Italian and Lebanese, not sure which side he got his cock and balls from. At about 5'8" his 7.5" cock looks mighty big! Santino was very nervous about getting on a plane and flying to another state. He was very inquisitive, and I enjoyed his questions and conversation. It's a good thing we do photos first, because he finally got relaxed and confident. He is definitely into the girls with big asses. He has swapped oral with guys on special occasions. He might have topped too. He knows the phrase "gay for pay" so that is how he defined himself. Santino is just adorable. He has a hot cock, a nice ass, and again, those balls! His cum shot is awesome! His load is super white on his tan skin! Featuring Santino. Original release date: February 1st, 2016.
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