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Jerkoff Party at Next Door Buddies

Jerkoff Party at Next Door Buddies

Occasionally we will show you a studly young guy doing a solo on Next Door Buddies; but this week, we've decided to take that solo idea to the extreme.Let me introduce our favorite guys Denny, Fox, Tommy, Trent, and Phoenix. All the guys were together not too long ago and wanted to make a special scene, one that would go in the history books and be people's favorites for years to come. They all were just sitting around, lounging on a warm sunny day, when Fox stands up and takes off his shirt. When you hang out with young porn stars all the time, this isn't something surprising or new, but when Denny immediately followed suit by yanking off his shirt and also dropping his drawers, we knew something was upLuckily we had the cameras rolling.
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  Title: Jerkoff Party at Next Door Buddies

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