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Barney ChaosMen

Barney ChaosMen

Barney is a cute young guy with very little body hair. Except for that big beautiful bush of pubic hair! His ass crack has a little fur, and his chin has some scruff. But overall, he is very hairless, including his armpits. He has noticed peach fuzz growing on his arms, which he is kind of excited about. Barney identifies as bi, saying he is more into the ladies. He did watch straight porn, but I dunno, I think he is going to figure it out, mature, and steer towards the dudes. He likes mature guys, and the more body hair the better. Not sure why he likes it so much, but my armchair psychology degree tells me he likes what he doesn't have. Barney was a dream to work with. He was hard for the photos and even getting started for the video. He seems shy and reserved, so I found it amazing that there is a very dirty boy with dirty thoughts going on! He seems eager to play with guys, so stay tuned for more of Barney. Featuring Barney. Original release date: January 3rd, 2018.
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  Title: Barney ChaosMen

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