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African Souvenirs Bel Ami Online

African Souvenirs Bel Ami Online

We have to warn you here that this is one African Souvenirs episode that is so jam-packed with fun and horny, naked boys that you may need a pause in the middle to absorb it all! We start with our normal morning ritual of Kevin Warhol waking up the household, but it soon becomes evident that everyone seems to be in a particularly rascally and horny mood. Helmut Huxley, Jerome Exupery, and Kevin save a misguided bird before embarking on their 'romantic love adventure'; Andre and Steve are in action down by the pool, Lukas has the challenge of filming a scene with a very cheeky Jack Harrer, and in the living room, Adam is passing on his wealth of sexual knowledge to Tommy Poulain (along with also passing along a very typical Adam load of cum). From the web series: Jambo Africa. Original release date: August 20th, 2018.
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