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Ashton Part 1 Club Amateur USA

Ashton Part 1 Club Amateur USA

When Ashton Sin tweeted an image of his bubble butt and let it be known that it was only to be gawked at, I replied and let him know that if he wanted to slide onto the CAUSA massage table, then something's gotta give. Ashton first contacted me a couple of years back, and for whatever reason, a shoot never happened. Now that he's reappeared and interested in pursuing participating in adult content, he again reached out to me via SexyJobs. And wow, what a difference a couple of years make. Ashton's been hitting the gym, and his compact bod is now quite ripped. Interestingly, although he self identifies as bisexual, Ashton's always been the proverbial pitcher and not the catcher. Well, given his sexperience with my probing fingers and toys, that may may change for him. Original release date: July 8th, 2019.
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  Title: Ashton Part 1 Club Amateur USA

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