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A Lot Meatier Bel Ami Online

A Lot Meatier Bel Ami Online

Following up on James's photo session last week we have his first scene for this special with our resident Czech beauty, Torsten Ullman. Today's episode is an exercise in seduction by fruit. For some reason, Torsten believes that the way to get into James' pants is via bananas and strawberries, but, luckily for us, it is pretty evident that James' appetite is definitely for something a lot meatier. While James may be fairly new to us, he is certainly not inexperienced as he proves when Torsten big dick slides right on in and his only reactions are moans of pleasure. The sex is intense and hot as Torsten can finally let loose with all he has, literally fucking the cum out of his new buddy. Featuring Torsten Ullman, James Walsh. Original release date: July 20th, 2019.
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