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Cock Destroyers Part 3 Drill My Hole

Cock Destroyers Part 3 Drill My Hole

After passing his interview with Cock Destroyer Sophie Anderson, Johnny Rapid delivers customer Leander to his secret ally, rival Cock Destroyer Rebecca More, so she can pump him for details about the brothel. Johnny overhears some tasty gossip from his new coworkers, Joey Mills and Ty Mitchell, before his shift, where he's meant to have constable JJ Knight as his first customer...but Jonas Jackson offers to pay double to get in ahead of him! Jonas is thrilled to be the first client to sink his cock deep in Johnny's tight hole, and then he gets the best of both worlds when Johnny fucks him till he cums, then gives Jonas a huge facial. But when Sophie finds out Johnny defied her already, she isn't pleased. Featuring Johnny Rapid, Jonas Jackson. From the film: A Tale of Two Cock Destroyers. Original release date: November 15th, 2019.
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