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Tanned Ciaren English Lads

Tanned Ciaren English Lads

Ciaran Jones is a young, tanned and muscular lad who regularly trains at the gym with his friends. It's his first appearance in front of my camera today but he is as relaxed as ever. Ciaran does a mini work out to show off his muscles, huge quads and big arms. Lucky for us, Cairen's two friends Harvey and Alfie stopped by and come on set to help Cairen with his workout and to get naked! The lads have fantastic chemistry together with lots of banter. Once naked Ciaran is straight to playing with his big uncut cock and has a massive rock-hard erection in no time. Cairen has a lot of fun pulling his thick meat in this shoot and climaxes on the floor with a fountain of cum! That was hot Cairen, a massage next perhaps!? Featuring Ciaren Jones. Original release date: December 15th, 2019.
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