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Welcome Carson Guys in Sweatpants

Welcome Carson Guys in Sweatpants

This is Carson's first time on camera, and even though he didn't seem very nervous, we figured the skilled hands of Quin to get all of him nice and relaxed would be fun. This turned from a nice, sensual massage to a dirty talking, face spitting, fuck session real quick. But after seeing Carson's smooth, warm hole, how could it not?! Carson has the cute next door boy look, but get him naked and put a hot, veiny cock in his face, and it's a different story! He turned into Quin's submissive cum-craving fuck toy, and he loved every second of it. Needless to say, Carson rated this massage high and will be referring all of his friends. Featuring Carson McCallister, Quin Quire. Original release date: January 16th, 2020.
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  Title: Welcome Carson Guys in Sweatpants

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