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Suited Bath Men at Play

Suited Bath Men at Play

Leo Galileo is home early from a business trip where his last meeting was canceled. After looking for his boyfriend, Bruno Max, Leo calls him to check where he is. Bruno is at the office working late finishing some paperwork since he wasn't expecting Leo for a few days. Both studs have been apart for a long time - they miss each other and are very horny. Leo tells Bruno that he will take a bath while he waits for him to rush home. After turning on the tub tap, Leo receives a text from Bruno asking him to wait for him in the tub - suited and wet! When Bruno finally arrives, he finds his man taking a suited bath and with a wet, hard boner. Featuring Bruno Max, Leo Galileo. Original release date: August 6th, 2021.
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  Title: Suited Bath Men at Play

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