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Scene with Jairo Club Amateur USA

Scene with Jairo Club Amateur USA

Jairo, Complete Scene, 25, 5'07", 150#, 6.5", Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Bi-Open and Sexploring Jairo and I first had contact in 2019 before my emergency surgery, and then again in early 2020 shortly before the world shut down due to a global pandemic. He touched base with me, again, a few week back, and after a week-long delay due to the Valley getting walloped by monsoons days after day, Jairo and I were finally able to get together for his first CAUSA video. You'll hear him go into detail as to his journey over the past few years from straight to bi-open thanks to a kinky girlfriend who introduced Jairo to butt play. Knowing that he enjoys being penetrated, I definitely pushed Jairo's boundaries and his magic button. Featuring Jairo. Original release date: September 1st, 2021.
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  Title: Scene with Jairo Club Amateur USA

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