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Completely Hard Randy Blue

Completely Hard Randy Blue

Fabio Acconi is making some extra money giving massages. He heads over to Seth Bond and this six foot three behemoth is sore and needs a serious rub down. Seth takes his clothes off. Fabio starts to oil his body up and rub Seth down. He comments how muscular Seth is. Seth thinks Fabio is muscular too and asks him to take his shirt off to show his abs. Fabio obliges. The rubbing moves to that big bubble butt belonging to Seth. Fabio works it so well that when he asks Seth to turn over he is completely hard. Seth apologizes. Fabio tells him that he does not mind but it will cost extra. Fabio starts sucking his dick. Seth loves it and wants to feel Fabio in his mouth. Seth was a hungry whore. He needed more. He asked for Fabio to fuck him. Fabio fucked him until Seth came on the floor while Fabio was inside him. It was so hot that Fabio pulled out and came. Featuring Fabio Acconi, Seth Bond.
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  Title: Completely Hard Randy Blue

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