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Moving Muscles Maskurbate

Moving Muscles Maskurbate

I hired muscles to help me move to my new place. While my friend, the young bodybuilder Brad, helped me carry heavy boxes, I couldn't stop noticing his biceps at work. I wanted to see a lot more. So I offered him a little extra if he could loose his shirt. Surprisingly, he offered me another deal. Not only could I watch him strip but I had the opportunity to worship his body with my own hands! As he was stripping and I was touching, Brad's dick got harder in his underwear. So, I offered him more to see him butt naked. After a little while, Brad became really horny and asked me to go take a walk so he could finish himself off. I agreed but I had something in mind. I came back sneaking behind him while he was jerking off, crawled between his legs and filmed his cumshot with my cellphone without him noticing it. So hot! I had a front row ticket to the hottest show in town! Brad was in shock when he eventually saw me and asked for more extra cash. Nevertheless, it was so worth it! Featuring Pascal, Brad.
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