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Greedy Kirk Bel Ami Online

Greedy Kirk Bel Ami Online

We admit that our team of basketballers today may never make it to the NBA, but they have all the right moves when it comes to putting on a show for us. Viggo is the star of the shower part of this scene and we have never seen him as hungry for cock as he is here. By the time they get to the lounge, it is a definite free-for-all and anyone could end up fucking anyone. As it turns out, Kirk is the first guy to be topping as he alternates plunging his cock into Viggo and Jim. Jim (being typical Jim) can't settle for just bottoming in this scene and insists on taking his turn pounding Viggo's hot ass as well. It's at this point where Kirk gives Jim the biggest surprise and thrill of the scene, sliding his dick in while he is still busy fucking Viggo. The action is so intense here that the guys even forget that there is a cameraman around, so kudos also to Kevin and Jerome who did a great job keeping up with things. Greedy Kirk is the guy who ends up with the most cum in his mouth at the end, and our other 2 stars have to settle for splitting Kirk's load between them. Featuring Viggo Sorensen, Jim Durden, Kirk Gauguin.
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