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Office V Day Men at Play

Office V Day Men at Play

It's Valentine's Day, and Magnus Loki is working late at the office to meet an important deadline. He thinks he is alone with most of the office lights off when he hears a noise. Magnus goes to check when his boyfriend Damon Heart suddenly appears with a big bouquet of flowers, screaming, "Happy Valentine!" Damon has made a reservation at their favorite restaurant and purchased opera tickets to celebrate, but Magnus tells him he must stay to finish some work. Magnus always seems to put work before their relationship and gets upset. Magnus tries to make it up to his sexy boyfriend with a hot office flip fuck session ending with both studs shooting their big loads of cum. It was an Office Valentine's to remember especially since every second of their office encounter was filmed on CCTV. Full title: Office Valenine's. Featuring Damon Heart, Magnus Loki. Original release date: February 16th, 2024.
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