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Joined by J Bel Ami Online

Joined by J Bel Ami Online

We promised that Riff and Oscar would be back again, and here they are, this time joined by the horny Jamie Eliot. Jamie had phoned Jerome up to hook him up with Pierce again, but unfortunately, Pierce doesn't turn up and Jamie is left with blue balls. In a fortunate turn of events, Riff and Oscar are still in the apartment from their tryst the day before and offer to help him out. The guys waste no time in taking care of Jamie and no sooner are the introductions out of the way than the boys are hustling him into the bedroom and stripping him down to his Birthday suit. First of all, they take care of his cock with a deliciously sloppy blow job before using his mouth for their own oral pleasure. Oscar is the first to stretch Jamie's tight ass with his cock in a classic reverse cowboy position while Riff continues to fill Jamie's mouth with his fat cock. Next, it is Riff's turn to stretch Jamie's ass even more, and pretty soon Jamie is driving his ass harder and harder onto each guys cock in turn. Featuring Riff Dornan, Oscar Scholz, Jamie Eliot (aka Antony Carter).
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  Title: Joined by J Bel Ami Online

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