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Ben Pumps Kaden Corbin Fisher

Ben Pumps Kaden Corbin Fisher

When we first met Kaden he jumped right into some blazing hot action with Liam, taking Liam's cock deep and proving he not only loves but also looks incredible being on the receiving end of a deep dicking. Well, we couldn't wait any longer to see him on the receiving end of another deep dicking, and couldn't wait to have a hot young Ben being the one to deliver it! Two of our newest freshmen, Ben and Kaden are both hot, horny, and ready for fun. They're also perfectly suited to one another -- or should I say, Kaden's hole is perfectly suited to Ben's dick! Ben fucks Kaden for a good long while in this one, and Kaden sure as heck seems to be loving every bit of it. It's when Kaden's bent over the back of the couch that these two are really at their best, though; with Kaden on his hands and knees and Ben giving it to him doggy-style, Ben can fuck as hard, fast, and deep as he wants! All of the sensual and sexual foreplay helped get them to that moment where Ben had Kaden bent over the back of the couch -- loads of kissing, nipple licking and sucking, foot play, and dick sucking two get both of these young freshmen worked up and ready to fuck their way to firing off thick loads! Featuring Ben, Kaden.
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