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Finn Fucks Micah Corbin Fisher

Finn Fucks Micah Corbin Fisher

Micah's livin' the dream -- newly arrived at CF and already been on the receiving end of some blazing hot fucks from Rocky and Eli! Micah's back for more, though, and this time it's in action with a sexy young stud who surely has some of the most passionate and intense CF episodes under his belt. Some guys just know what they're doing in the bedroom, and Finn is one of those guys. He's supremely sexual, and supremely good at sex. Several of his CF costars have been blown away by just how fun and passionate Finn can make a pairing, and plenty of his CF costars have been left thirsting for more Finn after their first session together. Well, count Micah among those who will need themselves more of Finn after this, because Finn works his magic on Micah from start to finish here. The kissing in this one is several minutes long at the start, and you'll agree we could have let them do that for many minutes longer because it was so hot for them and all of us watching. I think the only reason Finn and Micah were able to tear their lips off the other's was all that making out eventually got them each so worked up that Finn was starving to taste Micah's cock. Once Finn gets that taste -- followed by a taste of Micah's tight hole during an epic 69 -- it's some deep drilling with Finn showing off what a stellar top he can be once he's decided he wants and needs a lucky young stud's hole! Featuring Finn (aka Finn August), Micah (aka Canyon Cole).
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