Meet Online Bear Films
Title: Meet Online Bear Films | ||
Description: Gruff Hunter and Tate Taylor met online. They started chatting and had an instant connection, from their quirky sense of humor to the fun they enjoy in bed. And it shows! Right from the start these two are not only on the same page, they're on the same wavelength! Bearded, tattooed, and pierced cub make out like hungry pigs, stripping down for some greedy piggy type cock sucking and butt munching. Gruff admitted later no one's tongued fucked his hole the way Tate did during filming. As for the fucking, we won't give you a blow-by-blow, as it were. Suffice to say that it was some intense dick in hole action and these two were so DTF (down-to-fuck) they practically broke the bed. Now THAT'S a good fuck and the type of story you want to kiss and tell about! Original title: Tate Taylor And Gruff Hunter. Original release date: July 9th, 2020. | ||
Category: Bear Films | Added: 2024-04-12 | |