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Ten Tantalizing Inches Men Over 30

Ten Tantalizing Inches Men Over 30

Trit is enjoying a nice warm shower when Tommy comes into the locker room and sees him butt naked with all the water dripping down his body. He can't keep his eyes off of him now so he begins to rub his cock and pulls it out while Trit has his back to him. Tommy is stroking his big fat dick while looking at that bubble butt. Trit turns around to see Tommy stroking to him and with one nod of the head the two are swapping blow jobs and eating ass. Tommy can't wait to use his big dick and fuck that sexy tight ass. Horned up and lubed up Tommy squeezes that fat cock of his into that tiny smooth hole of Trit's. The two are in sync as Tommy fucks his ass hard and deep moving him around in multiple positions until Trit cums all over himself with that big dick fucking him. Featuring Trit Tyler, Tommy DeLuca. Original release date: June 24th, 2016.
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