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Joining In Kristen Bjorn

Joining In Kristen Bjorn

When we last saw our three hot men Diesel had joined in on the fun with sexually super charged couple of Diego and Wagner. After fucking both Diego and Wagner, Diesel is ready to have his hot hole plowed. Diego squats down on Diego as Wagner penetrates his tight ass from behind. Diesel loves the sensation of two hot throbbing cocks fucking his ass at the same time. Pounding away at Diesel's ass in unison drives him wild and forces him to beg for more. Diego then flips Diesel over onto his chest and then penetrates him again, Wagner joins in and thrusts his cock deep into Diesel's stretched hole as well. They now find themselves having to start the interview and testing process all over again. Featuring Wagner Vittoria, Diego Lauzen, Diesel OGreen. Full title: Headhunting - Chapter 7.
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