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Wet Kristen Bjorn

Wet Kristen Bjorn

Logan Moore has invited two hot guys back from the club, Viktor Rom and Gabriel Lunna. The men quickly begin stripping away their clothes and exploring each other's muscular bodies. Viktor if the first to offer up his huge, uncut cock and Logan and Gabriel dive on top of him and devour his massive cock. Logan lies down on the sofa and Gabriel forces his cock down his hungry throat while Viktor plunges his wet tongue deep inside of Logan's ass. Once Gabriel and Viktor are assured that Logan is wet enough for them Gabriel pounds his cock deep into Logan's soaked ass as he feeds on Viktor's glistening cock. Logan flips around and it is now time for Viktor to pound his huge cock balls deep into Logan's dripping hole while he now sucks the fuck juices off of Gabriel's cock. Viktor moves into position and has Logan squat down on his fat cock while he sucks Gabriel's rock hard cock. Logan rides that fat cock hard and erupts a thick load of cum. Take a chance and get it all wet, inside and out! Featuring Logan Moore, Viktor Rom, Gabriel Lunna. Full title: Meat Men - Wet - Logan Moore, Viktor Rom, Gabriel Lunna.
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