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Landon and Porter Sean Cody

Landon and Porter Sean Cody

"Do you know what this guy is packing, Porter?" We asked him as he looked at Landon and smiled. "Yeah! A lot...a lot of fun!" It was a really hot day, so they decided to cool off a bit in the pool after a quick workout in the scorching sun. They were very touchy-feely and unreserved with each other – you could tell they just wanted to get to the fucking. Porter wanted Landon's big dick in his ass and Landon wanted nothing more than to give him what he wanted...and he gave it to him good, blowing a load deep inside of him. "How does that cum feel inside you?" Porter answered right away, "Great! I've been waiting all day!" It goes without saying, but both were left with grins from ear to ear. Featuring Landon, Porter (aka Jake Porter). Original release date: July 30th, 2016.
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