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Washboard Abs Hot House

Washboard Abs Hot House

Sebastian Kross' washboard abs are framed between his harness and skin tight black shorts that are so shiny they're practically a mirror. Brayden Allen tears away Sebastian's codpiece and pigs out on Sebastian's rod. Spit flies as Sebastian moans and starts involuntarily flexing his hips until he's full on face fucking Brayden's mouth. Leaning over, Sebastian works on Brayden's ass with a finger, then comes around to have a taste. Spreading the cheeks, Sebastian tongues the center of Brayden's delicious ass. Lubing up his cock, Sebastian holds Brayden by the ankles like a wheelbarrow and drives his meat inside. The advanced doggy-style pounding has Brayden begging for more. Flipping over, he throws a leg over Sebastian's shoulder and gives up his hole for intense penetration. Sebastian drives his cock deep into Brayden's tight ass and pounds into his prostate. Jerking his cock, Brayden builds up an enormous orgasm that propels white spunk all over his leg and forearm. Sebastian lets loose with great blasts of cum that drench Brayden's rubber tank top. Sebastian swirls his finger through the puddle of semen and brings it to Brayden's lips, giving him a taste of the load he worked so hard to earn. Featuring Sebastian Kross, Brayden Allen. From the film: Slicked Up. Original release date: August 11th, 2016.
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