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Petr Parnek Badpuppy

Petr Parnek Badpuppy

Petr Parnek is definitely into his own body and we find him standing in front of the mirror, in his underwear, feeling every muscle on his chest. He locates a bottle of massage oil, opens the top and squirts a large amount on his chest. As Petr is rubbing the oil in with his hands they slowly slip below the waistband of his shorts. Petr pulls down his shorts and his already thick cock stands to attention. After a few minutes of jerking his cock by the mirror Petr moves over to the sofa where he gives us a great view of his sweet ass while lying on his back. Petr gets up from the sofa and returns to the mirror where he takes his cock in hand and after a few stroke he blows his load of jizz all over the floor before he heads off to the showers. Original release date: June 3rd, 2016.
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