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Jealous Lovers Part 1 Men Over 30

Jealous Lovers Part 1 Men Over 30

Josh and Kaleb just got back from a great workout but Josh is feeling a little insecure about Kaleb checking other men out at the gym. Kaleb tries to assure him that he was only admiring the other men because that is the goal he is shooting for so he can look the best for his lover Josh. Kaleb smooth talks his way out of it and they begin to kiss passionately. These lovers showcase just how much of a connection they have with each other. They strip down naked and begin to let their hands explore each other's ripped bodies. Kaleb grinds on top of Josh making him really horny. They swap some sexy blows and passionately start to fuck. Kaleb rides Josh's hard dick until he's just about to cum then he lubes up Josh's sweet ass. Josh doesn't bottom much but he'll do anything for his lover. Finally Kaleb fucks the cum right out of Josh as it erupts all over the place sending Kaleb into a hot frenzy throwing the condom off releasing his built up load. Featuring Josh Peters, Kaleb Kessler. From the web series: Jealous Lovers. Original release date: October 21st, 2016.
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