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Famous Fuck Part 2 Naked Sword

Famous Fuck Part 2 Naked Sword

International recording star and Naked Sword Exclusive Mickey Taylor is enjoying the rise of his new LP "Puppets Lament," but not as much as he enjoyed this scene with newcomer Jack Hunter. In his short time in the industry Jack's star is on the rise as well so putting these two overnight sensations together proved electric. as hung and handsome as they are talented, Mickey and Jack take turns sucking dick, eating ass and fucking each other in their tight puckered holes in flip-flop scene that's #1 with a bullet. From the web series: Fuck Me I'm Famous. Full video title: Fuck Me I'm Famous: Mickey Taylor and Jack Hunter Fuck - Naked Sword Originals. Original release date: March 16th, 2016. Produced by: Naked Sword.
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