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Dany and Geo Butch Dixon

Dany and Geo Butch Dixon

Dany is in a sex club watching porn on his phone. When he takes out his awesomely thick cock to stroke it, he immediately catches the eye of masculine hunk Geo. Geo saunters over and spits in his hand before getting a grip of the girthy piece of uncut man meat for a quick jerk before worshiping Dany's monster cock with his wet, hot mouth. When Dany returns the favor, Geo reveals a big thick dick nearly as big as his own. It's not long before Geo is begging to feel Dany's fat cock in his tight, smooth hole. The ass pounding that ensues is as hot as it gets. And Day unleashes a cum fountain that shoot's over Geo's head and onto his face and chest. Geo then tries to drain every last drop from Dany's still rock hard cock. Featuring Dany Romeo, Geo Solvek. Original release date: October 9th, 2016.
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