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Sleep Remedy Peter Fever

Sleep Remedy Peter Fever

I just got back from China a few days ago, but I haven't had any rest. I flew to LA for the porn convention, all night parties and awards shows. I had jet lag and I needed a nap. However, I wasn't able to sleep. I kept thinking about Justin; I didn't expect to see him at the award show the other night. He's such a fucking tease, with the hot muscular body, smooth tan skin, and supple ass. We hooked-up after the show that night, but two days later he was still mind fucking me. Every time I closed my eyes, I would think about him pounding my ass with his huge cock while he reached around and stroked my rock hard dick. It was so intense, I'm getting hard just thinking about it again. Watch me as I try to get Justin out of my mind by shooting my load to his sweet memory in "Sleep Remedy". Original release date: May 1st, 2017.
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  Title: Sleep Remedy Peter Fever

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