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Ken Ott Jerks Off Peter Fever

Ken Ott Jerks Off Peter Fever

Ken Ott is here to tease and jerk off on Peter Fever. My thoughts are of you; do you want to fuck me or can I have you? My body is filled with fantasies as I sense you next to me. Feeling my cock in my silk bottoms, I close my eyes and strip to my strap. My meat bulges as I take everything off; I want your lips wrapped around my shaft. Using a toy, I slide in, just like I do to you. The tight sensation has me moan and I remember just how good you feel when I am on top. In control, my girth spreads you further; I can smell your scent in the air while I edge. My sack undulates and I am close. Tugging faster, I see you in my mind; my body stiffens and I ejaculate onto my stomach. You are always in my thoughts. Original release date: May 10th, 2017.
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