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First Class Ass Staxus

First Class Ass Staxus

Whoever said that lawyers don't have a heart? Or that the only thing that they truly appreciate and understand is hard cash? Well whoever it was, the image of legal minds being solely obsessed with mercenary reward is definitely in for a bit of a bashing here; as fresh-faced solicitor, Bjorn Nykvist, displays his distinctly compassionate side when Jaro Stone enters his office looking for representation in court. All the same, there's still no such thing as a free lunch; and whilst our legal eagle might not be thinking of the bucks, he almost certainly thinking of the fucks! Indeed, it's a definitely a deal of a carnal kind that's quickly getting brokered between these handsome youngsters; with the two buddies heading straight for bed in order to run through a few points of order. Needless to say, it isn't long before both their dicks are the centrepiece of negotiations; with a fine display of cock-sucking quickly developing into an ambitious session of energetic 69-ing. Ultimately, however, the urge to get Stone's infamous butt-picker deep inside his guts simply proves too much for the blond-headed Nykvist; who then proceeds to get his innards bashed to a legal high in a succession of positions, most notably reverse-cowboy. It's enough to send even the most bored of fans into a spunk-fevered frenzy; and it certainly isn't long before Nykvist's cock is squirting out a generous wad, which Stone eagerly laps up to full effect. Not that Stone's ensuing eruption is any less intense; as both lads underline their rank as top-notch performers by exchanging a final devilishly jizz-laden smooch! Original release date: August 13th, 2017.
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