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Roy ChaosMen

Roy ChaosMen

Roy really surprised me when I met him. I am sure you all have seen a ton of bathroom mirror pics taken with a digital camera/phones. Most of the models submit these. After nearly a decade of viewing these images, I am usually pretty good about judging a guy's dimension. Roy's pics I had him in the short and muscly category. Instead he is a giant slab of beef. 6'1" and 210 pounds and built like a star quarterback. He works in security, and the dude just oozes "presence". His biceps must be as big as my quads! I would feel "secure" with those protecting me! He is straight, likes to get rough, but not too rough with the ladies, and has no interest in fucking them in the ass. I think our chances of getting him back to Top a dude are pretty slim. Typical of a gym dude, he is all shaved up, and I did try to get some growth back. His pubes were shaved bald when I first saw his him, so he came along nicely. He plays to the camera well, and gives us his trademark eyebrow raise now and then. His cock is ample and even though he strokes it rabidly, he stops and shows it off. Other than his thick and ultra-white cum shot, I think what stood out most in this video was the sound of his balls bouncing up and down on the couch. If you like low-hangers and bouncy balls, you will love this Grade A piece of beef! Featuring Roy (aka Kenneth). Original release date: February 25th, 2013.
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