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Lane ChaosMen

Lane ChaosMen

Lane is a really sweet guy. He has been working on his bod, but is not completely confident with his looks yet. The guy has an amazing cock, and his backside is equally endowed. But you can tell from his interview, he is a little shy. He has a girlfriend and it seems pretty casual. Lane likes brunettes with big asses, and his favorite thing to do is fuck them in the ass. That's a good start for doing gay porn! Lane's jack-off technique is not unusual, but he tends to jerk his cock below his head, often pulling down hard to stretch the skin of his head. It is a quick jerk, but thankfully not so fast that it is all motion blur. My guess is if someone showed him how to grind on his cockhead, he would be shooting loads left and right. And as I mentioned earlier, his ass is delicious. Can't decide if he will make a better Top or a Bottom. Featuring Lane Larson. Original release date: June 3rd, 2013.
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