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Avery ChaosMen

Avery ChaosMen

I don't know why, but Avery reminds me a lot of Stone. Maybe it is the body hair or skin tone, but their attitudes are pretty similar too. He seems to have a fairly relaxed attitude about sex. Straight but I think he has had his dick sucked on on more than one occasion. Sounds like he has a pretty high sex drive and is eager to get started doing adult video work. Avery was a bit quiet, so don't know a lot about him. He likes to laugh and smile, and he really has a great smile. His cock and has a boomerang hook to it. He wasn't very nervous for his solo, and took to playing to the audience very easily. Next week Shiloh will slide Avery's dick down his throat, and there is definitely some chemistry happening, so stay-tuned! Featuring Avery. Original release date: January 20th, 2014.
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