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Augustus ChaosMen

Augustus ChaosMen

Augustus's body is from years of gymnastics. He teaches and coaches it and it sounds like he doesn't spend a huge amount of time lifting weights. His awesome body is just from years of gymnastics. As a coach, he feels gymnastics is the best way to stay in overall shape, and I would have to agree! He grew-up in a very religious environment, but it sounds like he has a more liberal outlook on life. A fair amount of his friends are gay, and they suggested he do some video work so he could get ahead of his bills. Augustus is not super tall at 5'8" but is packing just over 8 inches of cock. It is a fat floppy cock that goes in every direction. He is very amiable and while he is not a natural show-off, he is definitely not embarrassed or shy in front of the cameras. Very confident and not cocky! He has a scruffy beard, and we did wait for him to grow his pubes out, which might be considered in the "ginger" color category. He has beautiful blue eyes and loves to smile. His ass is pretty amazing too! Featuring Augustus. Original release date: August 18th, 2014.
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