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Dorian Ferro ChaosMen

Dorian Ferro ChaosMen

Dorian Ferro is really interested in doing porn and getting into the industry. He seems pretty driven, so I suspect we will see him eventually at other studios. But he makes his first appearance at ChaosMen. He has done a lot of conventional modeling, but this was the first time doing anything adult. Well, maybe he has done naked photos, but the solo is his first foray into video. He is great in front of the camera, and loved showing-off for the still and video cameras. He says he tends to be orally-oriented, as well as an eager bottom, so we will put his hot Latin bubble-butt to work! For today he does a solo, and we start right away by showing-off his delicious ass. He takes his time showing it all off, then sits back to get his cock hard for us. He is uncut and really jerks his cock fast. Though, he is real good about slowing it down and letting us get a look at it. Same thing goes for his cum shot. He deliberately slowed down his pumping action so we could see his jizz catch some air! Featuring Dorian Ferro. Original release date: September 29th, 2014.
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