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James ChaosMen

James ChaosMen

James is a country boy. He lives out on a ranch with his wife and guy. She has a full time job and he stays at home keeping the property and guys. He also works odd jobs to help make ends meet, but basically he sounds like a stay at home dad. I didn't realize until after both shoots that he was very anally oriented. It was the reason he and his wife thought he could do gay porn. His girl has some rather large toys that he takes to him. It is funny yet frustrating how he opened up to me about this after both shoots! Missed opportunity! James is not super hard during this video. His cock would occasionally go to full mass, and in retrospect, I wonder if adding a dildo to his shoots would have been more helpful. He has a big 8" uncut cock too, but it never seems to get to the max. He tells me that rarely stays hard when his girls uses toys on him, but it feels good and he has 'anal orgasms'. He will often let her fuck him with the toy, and then hold for a cock orgasm after many times cumming anally. I have heard of this before, but thought of it as a unicorn type of thing. He is a bit nervous during this video, but he has great energy and breathing, and the cumshot is terrific. We finally get a glimpse of him at full mass! Featuring James. Original release date: February 16th, 2015.
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