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Javier Iglesias ChaosMen

Javier Iglesias ChaosMen

Javier is a bi guy, who was has a small family, so he was looking for creative ways to bring in extra money. He has a warehouse job driving biq equipment, which ironically he is packing some big equipment himself! Javier listed his cock at 7.7 inches long, so I rounded down, though after reviewing his images, I should have rounded up! He seems mostly into girls, but he said he was about 65% straight, and has been keeping his guy-on-guy action on the down low. I think Javier may be tilting a bit more to the guys, but for the videos, he stuck to some big-bottomed girls. Despite his big cock, you can tell he likes to have his ass played with. That surprised me as he took control of the solo, and put on a premium show, including shoving 2-3 fingers into his hole. He does like to top guys, but has also learned getting fucked makes the orgasm way more intense. I quickly grabbed the trusty vibrating butt-plug, and he had in in him in not time. Have his prostate vibrated put him over the top, as takes a two-handed approach to shooting his load. It's a fun, playful, but sexy solo! Featuring Javier Iglesias. Original release date: March 16th, 2015.
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