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Jon ChaosMen

Jon ChaosMen

Jon is blond and has that twink vibe about him, but he seems like a mature guy. At 23, he seems like he has his life together, but is always looking to make a little extra money and has been debating giving porn a try. Jon loves his pubes and it was awesome getting someone in who was not obsessed with shaving their manhood off. Nestled in those natural pubes is a thick 7 inches of meat. For the solo, he gets down to the business of getting his cock hard. He ramps it up a bit, but quickly flips over to massage his back door, which got him totally rock solid. Most guys are used to sitting or laying to cum, but Jon said he was best upright. He milks his cock until a nice thick (and apparently tasty!) load spills out! Featuring Jon. Original release date: March 30th, 2015.
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