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Tegan ChaosMen

Tegan ChaosMen

Calm and deliberate are the two words that come to mind when describing Tegan's solo. Tegan is half Syrian, gay, and has always wanted to do porn. In person, he is just that. Calm and deliberate. Takes his time before speaking, and never seems rushed. His solo is much the same. After the interview he sits back down with his soft cock, occasionally nudging it, tugging on it, or tweaking the head. Letting it come to life on its own. If you like watching a cock slowly get hard with the bare minimum of action, then this video is for you. Once his cock is up, he gets down to business working his rod. He is very sensual, and admits to having a strong exhibitionist side to him. You can tell he is enjoying every moment! He takes his time with his cock, going from fast jerking to teasing it. Tegan said he could shoot pretty far, so I asked him to sit for the cum shot. He does at first then kind of lays back in the throes of orgasm. Ropes of cum shoot all over his body, with one squirt hitting his beard! Laser beams of jizz just keep firing from his cock! It was a powerful orgasm too. He is clearly dazed after nutting so hard! Featuring Tegan Zayne. Original release date: April 27th, 2015.
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