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Sean Peyton ChaosMen

Sean Peyton ChaosMen

Noah Riley referred me to Sean Peyton. They both dance together at the clubs, and Noah sent some pics of Sean. I liked what I saw, but he had a boyfriend and didn't think he would be keen on him doing porn. Well, boyfriends come and go, and we finally connected. He didn't have any recent photos, and just wanted to come over to do a few test shots. I would have shot a solo right then, but I had an appointment and we put the video off until we both had time. Sean likes the guys, and is more of a bottom. He also likes 'mature' type guys, so if you are older than 35, you are in his wheelhouse. I think he mentioned his last boyfriend was 50, so we older dawgs have a shot with him! His solo is great! He has a curved 7inch cock, and I love his body hair. His hole is perfect too, and I can't wait to see a cock pounding him! Featuring Sean Peyton. Original release date: February 22nd, 2016.
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