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Antonio Cervone ChaosMen

Antonio Cervone ChaosMen

Antonio is 24-year-old gay guy. He is super friendly, easy going, and really into the artistic side of using computers. We both geeked out while discussing computer hardware and even camera gear. As for sex, he can top, but he really is an eager bottom. He is also an amazing cock sucker. I hear guys brag that they have certain skills, and often I don't ever know. Well, I can vouch for Antonio's cock-sucking skills! Antonio was very forthcoming with what he likes in bed. He likes mature, furry, thicker dudes. Hmmm. He also admitted to liking dominate guys and could be very submissive. Double Hmmm. I noticed during the photos, the more bossy I got, the more turned-on he would get. So for his video, I take total control and get him on his knees right away. I make him put a butt plug in to keep his hole happy. You can tell he is looking at my crotch through most of the beginning of the video. So I start rubbing the outline of my hard dick inches from his face. I grabbed his hand and have him stroke it through my jeans. I thought that was all that was going to happen, but he did not stay satisfied long by rubbing me through the fabric. He quickly moved onto taking my dick out to suck! Sweet! You can tell how happy he is by wide smile on his face. He loved be dominated and having a cock to suck on! If you love those videos where things get out of hand, this will be one for you to hold on to for your collection! He literally does open his throat, and massages your cock with it. It made me wish I had a bigger cock for him to gag on! Thankfully I had a bigger cock on hand! I had Troi in town to do his oral, so stay tuned next to see if Antonio can take on an 'advanced' cock. If you like guys getting their head shaved, while they are being dominated, you are in for a treat! Featuring Antonio Cervone. Original release date: June 13th, 2016.
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