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Kouri ChaosMen

Kouri ChaosMen

When Kouri's scout submitted him to me, he said Kouri was really was only into older guys and thought I might like to work with him personally. Kouri doesn't seem to want to label himself, but for the photos he watched some trans themed porn, and for the solo he stuck to straight porn with girls squirting all over the place. Ironically, he didn't seem too interested in any of the bisexual videos I had. So perhaps he is hard to slap a label on. At only 5'7" tall he has a nearly 8-inch cock. He says with women he is aggressive, but when it comes to dudes, he likes them mature, and dominant. He also says he loves having his ass fucked. He gets hard easy, and strokes his cock like a pro. He does work up quite a sweat in order to cum, and for a while I was a little worried he wouldn't nut. Thankfully. huge ropes of cum pour out of his cock! Amazing! But wow! I have my work cut out for me next week! Featuring Kouri. Original release date: March 20th, 2017.
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