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Jason and Sean ChaosMen

Jason and Sean ChaosMen

I swear Jason's cock has got to be more than 8-inches. He was really turned-on in this video and it seems to have grown an inch or more overnight! Sean had his work cut out for him. He can usually deep-throat a guy, but Jason's cock seemed more than he could handle. He gets little tears in his eyes while trying to shove it down his throat. Jason is also an amazing cocksucker! And true to his word, rimming was his favorite thing to do with Sean. He eats him out like a hungry beast! Both guys give each other facials, so if you love cum eating and unloading on a dude's face, this video has twice the action! Definitely going to get Jason back for more. He has amazing dirty boy energy! Featuring Jason Hillcrest, Sean Peyton. Original release date: June 21st, 2017.
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