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Grappld 2 Round 3 UK Hot Jocks

Grappld 2 Round 3 UK Hot Jocks

Alexis Belfort versus Gabriel Phoenix. Both guys are lean and mean, Gabriel has more muscle giving him the physical and obvious advantage, though Alexis is fast, nimble. It's anyone's game! Ding ding and they leap into action and wow that was unexpected! Possibly the most aggressive and energetic wrestle we've had so far. and it's only 30 seconds in! These guys are competitive as fuck, big throws, quick reactions, grunting and letting all their aggression out! They got worked up really quickly, it's all high energy with absolutely no let-up. Purely out of exhaustion Alexis gives in he lets Gabriel tower over him, pull him in and locks him by the lips. Pushing him to the floor he takes Alexis cock out of his see-through wrestling suit and into his mouth, stuffing it to the back of his throat, slapping it on his face and working his dick, the high energy performance obviously hasn't ended! Job done and cock solid, he slaps Alexis signaling his turn. Getting on his knees he looks up at Gabriel begging for his dick. Slow thrusts lead to a full scale face-fucking, spit leaking out of the sides of his mouth, traveling down Gabriel's cock shaft and hitting the mats. Alexis takes a corner and pushes his arse towards the centre of the ring, Gabriel takes him from behind making him cling to the ropes for dear life. Sliding his big cock into him, he grabs his shoulders and thrusts. Taking hold of the loose back of his singlet, he fucks him through the cut-out arse, using the long part as reigns to pull him back in after every pounding. Taking to the mats the boys strip completely, Alexis gets on top of Gabe and really works those thigh muscles, bouncing and riding his dick like he stole it! Legs straddled wide and arse up high, Gabriel takes over and power-thrusts into his hole, 5 reps a second! Alexis can take it, in fact he wants more. On his back, legs wider than wide, almost splitting Alexis wants the fucking of his life. and Gabriel gives it to him. Pile-driving deep down into his open arse in the press-up position! Sitting up he rocks back and forth, in and out of Alexis, Alexis wanks off, he can't hold back any more, shooting a big white load all over his caramel skin. Gabs stands over him again, aiming squarely at his face and shoots rope after rope of hot cum over him, dripping out of his mouth and down his beard. Featuring Gabriel Phoenix, Alexis Belfort. From the web series: Grappld 2. Original release date: October 8th, 2017.
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