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Daniel and Jerome ChaosMen

Daniel and Jerome ChaosMen

When Jerome came in for his solo/serviced, he said he had very little full-interaction with guys or girls. He was hesitant about sucking cock back, but once he was on set, he was shaking with excitement. Ahhh to be so young! Turns out we flipped a switch and he was eager to get back in and try everything. He even considered bottoming his first time out, but that sounded more like money was motivating him and I wanted to stick to what would turn him on. I had set him up with Daniel, who is a consummate bottom, so I steered Jerome into sticking with being a top, and pushing all the other limits that newbies struggle with; kissing, rimming, and sucking dick are all things hard for the new guys to take on. But wow! He jumped right in, and his skills will make all of us wonder if this was indeed his first time. I did warn Jerome that Daniel was passive and to take charge, and he said to bring it on. It was brought! Jerome is one horny dude, and he sucks cock like a pro. He doesn't even gag, despite a tear forming in his eye. I know some of you bad boys love that! He also really knows how to fuck, and aggressively fucks Daniel until he is whimpering. Daniel, as always, is close to cumming though out most of the shoot. He cums easily while Jerome slides his long cock in and out of his hole. Featuring Daniel, Jerome. Original release date: March 10th, 2017.
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