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Kodi and Peter ChaosMen

Kodi and Peter ChaosMen

Peter was nervous but optimistic about getting his dick sucked by a guy. He had one previous experience where he got sucked-off by a guy, and he ejaculated from that, so for him it was more about doing it on camera. This video definitely feels like a First Time event, though thankfully he is not just sitting there watching the porn we have going for him. He sneaks an occasional peek at it, but overall, he is present and watching Kodi work his cock. Getting rimmed was his most awkward moment, especially with Kodi's beard tickling him. Once we get him upright to fuck Kodi's face, you can really see his ability to gyrate those hips, and dominate Kodi's throat with his cock. Standing is indeed his best position. He jerks his cock until he sprays all over Kodi's face. Plenty drops in his mouth, but most shoots out like a laser beam, splattering Kodi's chin and neck. That is one frosty beard! Kodi licks the cum from his cock, while Peter does his best to stay standing from a powerful orgasm! Featuring Kodi, Peter. Original release date: March 22nd, 2017.
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