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Lorenzo and Warren ChaosMen

Lorenzo and Warren ChaosMen

What a difference a haircut makes! Warren showed up with a nice military type haircut and he looks sharp! He apparently has been playing a lot of paint ball, and was tired of getting sweaty under his helmet. You can tell he recently played because you can see a few spots where he was not on the winning end of a paint ball gun. Ouch! For his Serviced video, he wanted to start of slow and just get head. But he is clearly turned-on to do the shoot. As usual, there are subtle things to look for in this video. His body language is great, and he always seems to keep his hands-on Lorenzo, making continual contact. He even reaches in and starts to play with Lorenzo's cock. But Lorenzo was on a mission, trying to please and make Warren bust his nut. Lorenzo jerks his cock furiously, pulling a nice load out of Warren! As of right now, I do not have Warren on the calendar to come back, but he says he is down to try more, and I am pretty sure we can get him back for more. Featuring Lorenzo, Warren. Original release date: January 17th, 2018.
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