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Nikol and Tomas Butch Dixon

Nikol and Tomas Butch Dixon

Oh Oh Oh, I don't know where to lay my eyes or my greedy, sweaty hands, I'm like a chubby kid in the candy store, who to choose, who to choose?! Niko Monak is just so fucking hot, bearded, ripped, utterly masculine, a real rough brutha-fukker but Tomas Salek, is stunning too, dark, matinee idol looks, ripped, hung, with 'that' look in his piercing eyes. Niko has that sexy, edge-of-arrogance and that magnificent, uncut dick is just a big, juicy gem. Tomas thinks so too, and can't wait to cram as much of that meat in his mouth as possible. Niko pumps his throat, snogs his pretty lips until they're chaffed then lays him down and slides, fucking up to his groaning balls in that tight, hairy hole. Oh Daddy! You are definitely gonna see more of these guys, hmmm who else can we get to take that pole? Featuring Nikol Monak, Tomas Salek. Original release date: January 29th, 2018.
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